Drop Your Image Anywhere
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Images Alignment
Images Differences
Images Distance

Images AlignmentPick a sample pair or drop 2 images

ParametersUnfold to see all parametersAutorefreshONOFF

return_imageReturn the image after alignment


DetailsMore infos...

Return matrices to apply alignment of one image compared to the other


POST https://api.core.ltutech.com/v2/services/image/alignmentMatrix


  • headers:
    • authorization: your access token
  • body: parameters are sent under binary or ASCII characters format as separated part in the body of a multipart form request
    • image1 : a binary image or a string that contains an url
    • image2 : a binary image or a string that contains an url
    • resolution : resize resolution of images

To implement this feature in your project you need to be logged in. To know how to get your token you can consult the getToken documentation. Should you need a test account please contact us.

Code Snippetscurlpythonnodejsc

curl --request POST \ 'https://api.core.ltutech.com/v2/services/image/alignmentMatrix \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <your token>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --form 'image1=$IMG1URL' \ --form 'image2=$IMG2URL' --form 'resolution=resolution=500&return_image=true'
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